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  • Feeding our students high quality meals that are nutritious and delicious is our top priority. Chartwells' menus are built to support the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and use recipes that taste great and are lower in fat, saturated fat, trans fats, cholesterol and sodium. Our menus also provide whole grains, fruits, vegetables and appropriate portion sizes for all age groups. We analyze our recipes for nutrient content and food values using a food-base menu planning and analysis program that complies with child nutrition guidelines for the National School Breakfast & Lunch programs. Our Balanced Choices Meal Program is a guidance system to assist students in making the most nutritious choices within parameters and is highlighted on the serving line.

    You will see some changes with our school menus and as your student dines in their school cafeteria they will experience the new USDA requirements. There are five food groups to select foods from: fruits, vegetables, protein, bread grains, and milk. To make a complete meal, one vital change is the requirement for a student to select at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable. Student meals must contain at least a selection of 3 of the 5 food groups with one being the fruit and/or vegetable selection. If no fruit or vegetable is selected, the student will pay the individual item prices for foods instead of the complete meal price.



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